Sea Blue Lens

Scene & Story, Chapter 2: October 2016


If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you may have already seen the image I chose for this month.

Signal FlareSignal Flare

I took this photo on the same day as my hike on the Saco Heath. I was driving home and was only two blocks from my door when I saw this flaming red vine out of the corner of my eye. I drove on home and parked the car, then ran back to frame and shoot the photo. I called it “Signal Flare” for its brilliant color, a sure sign that autumn was truly under way.

Okay, New England fall, colored leaves, pretty picture, and all that. But there’s a reason this photo is meaningful to me.

It was only early October. Virginia Creeper is one of the first plants to show its fall color and I knew there would be so much more to come. I’d already been out with my camera for a good three hours, since around sunrise, and hadn’t had breakfast or even coffee. I was tired and hungry. Surely this could wait? At least until after breakfast…and that coffee!

Better yet, how about tomorrow? (I am an excellent procrastinator.)

But somehow this felt urgent. I needed this photograph, and it couldn’t wait. I didn’t even go in the house first; I just hurried back and got my shot. And guess what? Overnight the rain came, the wind blew, and by the next morning, that vine was stripped bare. I’m so thankful that I captured it when I had the chance.

The older I get, the more conscious I become that tomorrow is a hope, not a promise. This photo is my own personal Signal Flare, a prompt not just to “seize the day” — I’d already done that — but to seize the moment when it presents itself. It may not be there later.

I know myself well enough to know that I won’t always succeed at this. I’m grateful for this image that reminds me to be present, to listen to the quiet voice of my own intuition, and to recognize and receive such fleeting gifts before they slip away.

Be sure to visit Paisley Rain Boots for Sarah’s October Scene & Story.

If you’d like to post your own “Scene & Story,” you’re more than welcome, and we’d love to know about it. We hadn’t planned on a formal linkup, but if you feel like joining in, you could leave a link to your post in the comments.

19 thoughts on “Scene & Story, Chapter 2: October 2016

  1. Very beautiful and very wise advice as we age, and honestly at any age! A beautiful reminder!

  2. so pretty Leon, I love trees anyway but when you put a pop of red on it I just smile. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  3. So glad you listened to your intuition as this is a stunning shot! love the composition and the light!

  4. It’s such a gorgeous photograph and the words of wisdom are icing not he cake…..

  5. I am so glad that you didn’t wait for “tomorrow” and took the photo there and then. I know how it feels to say “it can wait” – I have done that myself so many times and then so often it has been too late. There is a very true life lesson in there. Like you I try to seize the day whenever possible, but I am also an expert in procrastinating. Still lots to learn…

  6. Wow! that is a bright red – and wonderful “signal”!! I’m so glad you seized the moment to capture that. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ignored the thought that maybe I shouldn’t wait – I’m a great procrastinator, too. I’m really liking your “scene and story” – looking forward to chapter 3!

  7. I love the brilliant read against the tree. We have a little Virginia Creeper in the woods nearby, it’s just now starting to turn red. Your “signal” is one we should all take very seriously!

  8. Even if we have seen the photo, it is so cool to know the story behind the photo. I think you should print this out and put it by your computer 😉 Gorgeous red and you captured it so well, I struggle with reds. Winter isn’t here yet so get out and shot some more!

  9. I love your image and story! I also really appreciate the fact that this was just a little walk from your home. So often we think we have to travel far to some special place to find the beauty in Nature, but you have proved to us, once again, that you need not go far. Just be aware, pay attention, and be willing to see what is “hiding” all around us.

  10. I am SO glad you photographed this before it was gone, Lee! It is just beautiful, and now I know what it is!!!
    I’ve seen this on several trees here, over the years, but never knew what it was. I love the way it decorates the trees.
    Have a wonderful evening, my friend.

  11. Now that’s an incredible signal … you are so right that “tomorrow” is simply a promise – just wow. Thank you for the reminder – why do we always need reminders?!

  12. Beautifully said- what a special photo!

  13. Beautiful! Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow…blessings all mine and 10,000 besides. This was a blessing to photograph before it disappeared.

  14. So beautiful ! Like a flame around the tree.

  15. Fantastic shot. I would have wanted to stop the car too but I know for sure with me procrastination would have won the day. Loved reading your words and you’re right, tomorrow is a hope not a promise. Writing them in my journal now as a reminder. x

  16. I like reading these stories that go with your photos. I’m also aware that doing it NOW is best.

  17. An awesome photo. That red is just so intense! And what a persistent vine. You wise words have value for young and for old. We never know what tomorrow brings.

  18. “Tomorrow is a hope, not a promise.” I know it well. Awesome line! Gorgeous shot!

I'd love to hear your thoughts.