Sea Blue Lens

Photo-Heart Connection: February 2014


Morning WindowsMorning Windows

I’ve been living in this house for three and a half months now, and I still feel a sense of wonder at being here. It is only a temporary refuge — the owners are trying to sell it — but for now, it is home, and I’m treasuring every moment I spend here.

There’s just something about this place. A sense of timelessness and of history (is that a contradiction?), of connection with people and a way of life long past. I like to imagine what it might have been like to live through a winter such as this one with only fireplaces for heat and for cooking. I’ve never seen or felt any ghostly presence, but I do feel a sense of companionship with those who were here before me. It’s almost as if the house itself were alive and glad to have me here. Fanciful, I know.

Pictured above is the room where I sleep. It’s a large and gracious room. Judging by the window casings and other details, I believe that when originally built it must have been the parlor or “best” room of the house. The mantel remains, though the fireplace was bricked up long ago.

At night, when the shutters are closed, the room is very dark and the quiet is profound. In the morning, daylight shows itself in small slices around their edges. I open them to see what the day is like, and the room floods with light even if the sky is cloudy.

On the morning I took this photograph, the sun had come out after several days of gloomy overcast skies, cold, and snow. I went to the kitchen to make tea, and when I walked back into the bedroom it was glowing with sunlight. And so I picked up my camera, to save and savor this moment in time. 

They say “home is where the heart is,” and this month, home is also where my Photo-Heart Connection is.

Linking with Kat Sloma’s Photo-Heart Connection for February

28 thoughts on “Photo-Heart Connection: February 2014

  1. Morning light, sending its warmth . . . lovely picture, thoughts.

  2. Oh, that light!! Makes me want to pick up my camera and head over to take some pictures. The house sounds wonderful – enjoy!

  3. I think it would hard to leave a home like this one. But what a privilege to be able to be able to spend even one day there.

  4. What a wonderful room so still and timeless…

  5. I think you have the most beautiful house right now. Should we hope the owner’s don’t sell any time soon? The amazing details of old houses, I love them. And morning light through the windows, perfect!

  6. I agree with Sarah-your house is stunning. It is a gift to you, especially with your brave move to return to the area after trying to be a Californian. Light, light, and more light. Your house is filled with light-that too is a gift. Enjoy. Your time there will be as long as it’s meant to be-funny how that works. xoxo-breakfast soon.

  7. I love this! Such beautiful windows and light! Glad you’re enjoying this time in your house, even though it is temporary!

  8. This is such a delightful room – the light, the windows, the wash stand – all perfect!

  9. Lee, this is a gorgeous room!
    All of that wonderful natural light is simply the best.
    Happy day to you!

  10. The room looks beautiful and how gorgeous is that morning light. I believe that houses hold the energy of those that come before and love how you describe it as companionship.

  11. How wonderful to feel such a heart connection to this house – now your home. How lovely to feel such peace in a place. Your sun-filled room is enchanting. I hope you are able to stay through spring at least – if not longer – in order to experience its beauty in that season.

  12. The house looks beautiful & you’ve captured the light beautifully x

  13. What a beautiful space, with such magical light! You’ve captured it so well! I believe we can have heart connections to places houses have a special energy that can attract or repulse us. How lovely that you found this place to live when you returned to Maine, making the transition easier for you.

  14. This is such a beautiful house. I hope you do get to stay for a while, to enjoy the change of seasons and the light. And what glorious light it is that spills in through these windows.

  15. Oh, the light! Such beautiful light streaming into the room. I can understand why you wanted to stop and savour the moment. I love that you’ve found the house to be like a companion…what a beautiful description. I like the idea that it is happy to have you there…

  16. This is nice! I love the light, and the shutters.

  17. So much warmth and comfort and history radiates from this space. Lucky you to be inhabiting the space – albeit temporarily!

  18. Your words…the way you express yourself here…and the image…what a lovely combination! Beautiful!

  19. What a wonderful PHC and that light! just beautiful.

  20. What a beautiful space. I love the light filling the room and the vintage furniture, windows, and curtains. It seems such a peaceful place.

  21. Beautiful room and beautiful image. I love the light spilling through those pretty windows and all the period detail. Love your words too, so evocative.

  22. As Dorothy said, “there’s no place like home.” It seems like the house has found its perfect tenant, someone who appreciates all it has to offer. Your décor is just right as well, especially the washstand between the windows.

  23. What a beautiful place to be, so peaceful and appealing, the light is just wonderful! Enjoy your time there and that sense of being at home. Fantastic photo-heart connection

  24. Just popping in to say, hi! 🙂 And, to say, thank you for your wonderful comments about time spent with my family earlier this year. Sending you hugs and warm wishes as we wait for spring! 🙂

  25. The sun-drenched windows are wonderful. I would never get out of bed.

  26. Looks like a beautiful place to live, but I take it that you have long moved out from this temporary place.

    • You’re right, Otto. Sadly my stay there was all too brief. But the house was sold to a growing young family who love it and its history as much as I did, so that is some consolation.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.