Sea Blue Lens

Scene & Story, Chapter 3: November 2016


I will admit that November is not my favorite month. In November all those glorious autumn leaves fade and fall. The landscape’s palette turns from brilliant red, orange, and gold to drab gray and brown. Even the sky is gray. Rain soaks those fallen leaves and begins the process of turning them into mulch and humus to nourish future growth. Days grow shorter. The clock gets turned back and, where I live in southern Maine, sunset arrives about four o’clock. This November has felt especially dark. There’s no denying that winter is coming.

Last LeafLast Leaf

Even so, November can still surprise and delight. I chose this photo to represent November because for me it sums up the contradictions of the month. It was a dreary, overcast day. The overnight rain had stopped but was still dripping from every twig. Suddenly, into the reflection of gloomy gray sky and leafless branches, sailed a single yellow leaf, moving quickly with the current. One spot of bright gold, shiny as a new coin, a flash of light in the darkness. Swirling out of sight in a moment, but lingering in heart and mind, a spark of unexpected joy.

November, I might just love you after all.

Please visit my friend Sarah at Paisley Rain Boots for her November Scene and Story.

14 thoughts on “Scene & Story, Chapter 3: November 2016

  1. This is a very nice representation of November! I love that splash of yellow. November did seem really dark – I’ve been trying to remember if it always feels that way. November is one of those “in between” kind of months – but I enjoy the quietness of it. Fewer tourists – not nearly as frenzied as December.

  2. You described November perfectly. I don’t ever remember such a gray month. Wisconsin had gone sepia. I hope my eye would have seen that golden leaf too. They are predicting snow here .that should brighten things up… the comment you left on my blog about your dad growing up in the Midwest, but leaving when he was 14 left an impact on me. Your words were so thoughtful. XO

  3. November has felt especially dark this year. I swear it got dark at 3 PM yesterday! Love this picture! The texture of the ripples in the water, the bright crispness of that yellow leaf, the subtle reflection of the branches! In November (and always) I am thankful for your photographic eye bringing it to me!

  4. Our November in the south has been beautiful with mostly mild and beautiful days but that is all changing with the arrival of December. I don’t like the shorter days but I tell myself they give me more time to spend on hobbies inside.
    I love the swirling water with the pop of yellow in the leaf in your photograph. It’s a beautiful representation of November….

  5. I also loved the photos that said, “November is here. Winter is just around the corner.” I have always liked November because it reflects my inner mental state the best. The sunny months sometimes make me feel like I don’t match. Gray skies and composting leaves say, “You belong here.” 🙂

  6. I’m an autumn kind of gal, so I relish in the dreary and grey. Especially after a very long and very hot summer. Besides, I look better in jeans and sweatshirts than I do in shorts and tee shirts.

  7. Lovely photo and words…it’s always comforting to find a “spark of unexpected joy” when life seems dreary and grey as it often does in November.

  8. Our November was wonderful, the best we have had in a very long time. December is starting out dreary, cold, depressing for the next four months. I guess I better find some inside things to do. The yellow leaf represents hope for a new year.

  9. Such a beautiful leaf to catch your eye and brighten your day. Our November was unusually warm and very dull as far as colors go. We did have about two days where a few trees were bright and colorful, but then rain and wind blew in and the leaves were gone. As far as December, it has entered dark, dreary and rainy!

  10. Oh, can I relate! I understand your thoughts on this as they very much echo my own. It’s been good to have blue skies and sun today after so much rain and fog and even a bit of snow. That yellow leaf surely lifted your spirits because the image of it has lifted mine.

  11. You have so perfectly described the November I know, and I think that that single yellow leaf is pure magic.
    Have a wonderful evening, sweet friend.

  12. I agree with you, November can sometimes be a hard month to negotiate. But also – as you say – a month to love, if we only open up to its beauty. Which you captured in this low voice and delicate photo. Now December is here with its different challenges. 🙂

  13. What a lovely post. We had a delightful November, much warmer and sunnier than normal. I love the bright yellow of the leaf swirling in the grey water, such a contrast, which is typical of November. A real contrast from the summer months.

  14. Gorgeous photo! For me December so far has been a month of contrasts…. a difficult month, but one full of much to be thankful for.

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